Snappy bouncy...
Snappy bouncy...
Kill him. He displeases me.
i'm gonna hunt you down and clip your nails
Nice canine teeth.
I think you're pencil strokes need to be longer and lighter before tracing over them again to do line art.
I cant use darker stroke in her hair because its white
The show's called Hugo's Hot-dogs, numbnuts.
I will not let you slander Sal's Sandwiches like this
I was just looking at a vid for Pac-Man Championship Edition for the NES. What a weird coincidence to see this on the same day.
I am quite fond of this rotund creature.
Smells like a disturbed dead child's power fantasy and the family he was unfortunate enough to be born into...
Scribbly and cute.
2017 feels so distant from now...
True. Time flies by, sometimes all too quickly.
on the topic of this comic, I wouldn't mind it so much if it weren't for the fact that Pokémon began sucking ass a year later, so it's been more than half a decade of bad game after bad game. Pretty sad.
Age 23
Tiny Picture Maker
Rural grassy nowhere.
Joined on 9/15/15