Where did you go to learn how to create good ball physics for the billiards in your game?
Where did you go to learn how to create good ball physics for the billiards in your game?
They are unity physical 2d, I did not do the physical system......
Great simple game to shirk duties with. Add power-ups or somethin'.
It definitely needs enemies, I also wanted it to make it have an upgrade system so you could jump multiple times and get deeper each time. Worth a post-jam revisit sometime maybe.
Man, I wish I didn't suck at rhythm games.
When people think about the creative potential of the internet and anyone being able to present their work to an audience in its purest form, uncensored and uncut, untainted by corporate suits, I think this is what they're referring to.
This game was a bit too simple for me. I think it could be more interesting with unique movement patterns for enemies (see Galaga or any shmup ever) and some kind of alt-fire knockback to juggle enemies with while reloading. Actually, have you ever played Wild Guns? They have a fun lasso mechanic that slows down enemies when they're hit with it. I could see it working in the context of a simple shooter like this. Otherwise, you do you, dawg.
It took a little time, but I think I found a rhythm for getting as many little cars past the finish line without bumping into too much shit.
It's pretty fortunate my art tablet was connected when I clicked on this because I've never had more fun doodling chodes.
Ey, it's like Downwell with a little motion sickness.
It took exactly 44 slaps to find the pain sound I wrote. Feels good to be a part of history.
my quote was the last
Honestly, I think what this game needs is more visual and sound ques cuz' the hud is pretty bare minimum and the red circle tricked me into thinking my little explosion force had more effective range than it actually did, lol.
The ending was very cute and overall I think this is pretty good first attempt at a game. Hopefully, it won't be your last!
It definitely won't be my last, thanks a bunch for the feedback!
I like touching little man's little parts.
I like the way he pleads.
I've never held left click for so long before.
Hearing him howl for mercy has given me a rush I haven't felt in a long, long time.
Thank you.
Age 23
Tiny Picture Maker
Rural grassy nowhere.
Joined on 9/15/15